For every transaction paid by a Mama Money registered customer at a PnP / Qualisave Store, they STAND A CHANCE to win a share of R100,000 in shopping vouchers
1. Terms and conditions
1.1. The promoters to this competition Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd (“Pick n Pay”) (registration number: 1973/004739/07) a company incorporated in the Republic of South Africa and having its registered address at 101 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, 7708 and Mama Money Pty Ltd (Registration Number: 2013/022174/07) and having its registered address at 29 Sir Lowry Road, Castle Mews, 2nd Floor, Woodstock, 7925, which shall alternatively be referred to as the “promoters”)..
1.2. All persons ("the entrants") using the Mama Money International Transfer app agree to the rules of “Send and Win in June'’ ("the competition") as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. A copy of these terms and conditions is available at and
2. Important notice
2.1. These terms & conditions and competition rules contain certain terms & conditions which appear in similar text style to this clause and which:
2.1.1. may limit the risk or liability of the promoter or a third party; and/or
2.1.2. may create risk or liability for the entrant; and/or
2.1.3. may compel the entrant to indemnify the promoter or a third party; and/or
2.1.4. serves as an acknowledgement, by the entrant, of a fact.
2.1.5. the entrant cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual;
2.2. The entrant's attention is drawn to these terms and conditions because they are important and should be carefully noted.
2.3. Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to, or must be understood to, unlawfully restrict, limit or avoid any rights or obligations, as the case may be, created for either the entrant or the promoter in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 ("the CPA").
2.4. The entrant acknowledges that by using his or her entry to the campaign, he/she has been given an appropriate opportunity to first read these terms and conditions before use and that he/she understands and agrees to the terms and conditions.
2.5. All entrants to this campaign participate entirely at their own risk. By reading and accepting these terms and conditions, the entrant gives consent to these risks and hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the promoters and Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Limited and all entities in the Pick n Pay group; their directors, employees and agents of any and all liability pertaining to any damage, cost, injuries and losses of whatever nature sustained as a result of their participation in the campaign and related events and activities, save where such damage, cost, injuries and losses are sustained as a result of the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of any indemnified party.
3. Rules of the competition
3.1. This competition opens at 08:00 am on 01 June 2023 and closes at 23:59 pm on 30 June 2023.
3.2. The entrants stand a chance to win a R500 (Five Hundred Rand) Pick n Pay shopping voucher to be used in-store in any Pick n Pay store in South Africa.
3.3. A total of 200 (Two Hundred) winners will be selected.
3.4. To enter the competition, the entrant must:
3.4.1. Register a cross border money transfer, of more than R1000 (One Thousand Rand), using the Mama Money International Transfer App;
3.4.2. Prior to completing the transaction, the entrant must select to the option make the deposit for the transaction at a Pick n Pay or Pick n Pay QualiSave franchise store;
3.4.3. Using the Mama Money reference number received, the entrant must go into any Pick n Pay or Pick n Pay QualiSave store to make the deposit to complete the transfer.
3.5. Entrants may send cross border money transfers with Mama Money as many times as they wish. Each successfully completed transfer will equate to one (1) automatic entry. The entrants shall be only eligible for one prize per person.
3.6. The prizes are not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash or other prizes.
3.7. Prize distribution will take place once the competition has closed and the winners have been selected, at the promoter’s discretion.
3.8. To qualify as an entrant for this competition, the entrant:
3.8.1. must be living in South Africa
3.8.2. must provide correct and full personal details, as required;
3.8.3. must be 18 years old or older;
3.8.4. cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual; and
3.8.5. must be a registered Mama Money International Transfer user.
4. Selection of winners
4.1. Winners will be selected within four (4) weeks of the competition closing date (this date is subject to change without notice).
4.2. Entrants to whom prizes will be awarded will be selected through automated software by Mama Money.
4.3. Winners will be contacted via email or telephonically within four (4) weeks of the competition closing date (this date is subject to change without notice). Pick n Pay reserves the right to disqualify a winner if he/she does not respond to the email or telephone call within one (1) week of winner selection and may randomly select a replacement winner from the competition entries. In such circumstances, the replacement winner shall be contacted via email or telephonically by Pick n Pay as soon as reasonably practicable and shall be required to respond to Pick n Pay in the manner set out in such correspondence. If the replacement winner fails to respond to Pick n Pay as required, then the provisions of this clause shall apply to that new winner in the same way as if he/she were the original winner. If the selected winner does not have any contact details a redraw will need to take place immediately.
5. General
5.1. By using the promotional offer in accordance with its terms, you are using a promotional offer for the purposes of the CPA and the promotional offer will be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the CPA. Should you qualify for the promotional offer, you undertake to expeditiously do all things necessary to enable the promoter/sponsor to comply with its obligations under the CPA.
5.2. By entering, an entrant acknowledges that personal information about the entrant will be shared with the promoter to the extent necessary to conduct the competition and for prizes to be delivered to the prize winner. Such personal information will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013. Entrants who have questions regarding any matter relating to their privacy or their personal information, or if they believe there has been a breach of their privacy or their personal information, may either contact the promoters or, file a request for access to personal information in accordance with the entrants’ manuals in terms of section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, no 2 of 2000 available on the promoters’ respective websites; or, submit a complaint to the information regulator in the prescribed manner and form at .
5.3. Entrants may be requested to take part in the promoter's publicity campaigns or to allow their names and likenesses to be used by the promoter for promotional purposes. Entrants are, however, entitled to decline such requests.
5.4. The promoters shall conduct the promotional offer, and the promoters’ decision on any matter related to the promotional offer, including the selection of the winner is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
5.5. Any queries in this regard, and a copy of these rules can be found at
5.6. In addition, the Mama Money International Transfer terms and conditions shall apply and can be found at
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